Brand Awareness
Company logo decal on outlaw tuner*
Company Logo on race suit*
Company Logo on autograph cards, t-shirts, hoodies and all other merchandise*
Company name mention of product of brand in all interviews including video, radio, print and track interviews
Company Brand logo seen on race car at and races that may be broadcasted
Company Brand logo seen on race car on all social posts and articles with photo of car
Company Brand logo seen on any videos posted
Rook Racing offers a unique promotional tool to reach a specific target market
*opportunity for graphics to reflect company branding
Social media strategy
Posts of company brand logo/product on social media outlets, Instagram, Twitter & Facebook
includes “Sponsor Sunday” shout outs of company and website link
Great marketing tools
You can have TJ and race car featured along with your companies brand, logo or products on your
posters/banners that you use for marketing at your events and galas.
TJ can be scheduled to make personal appearances for meet and greets, autographs.